Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) provides marine mammal risk mitigation in support of NATO’s military training exercise CUTLASS FURY 23
/Dalhousie University’s CEOTR Group and JASCO Applied Sciences assist DRDC in preventing harm during military training activities using maritime autonomous systems.
September 2023– A Teledyne Webb Research Slocum Glider was equipped with JASCO’s intelligent acoustic and oceanographic data acquisition system, OceanObserver™, and deployed off the East Coast of Canada in preparation for Cutlass Fury 2023.
The Slocum glider belongs to Canada’s largest academic fleet of gliders and is managed by Dalhousie University’s Coastal Environmental Observation Technology and Research (CEOTR) Group, a collaborative initiative between the Ocean Tracking Network and the Ocean Frontier Institute, both based out of Dalhousie University.
The mission of the Observer-Slocum Glider ahead of, during, and post-exercise was to detect, measure and record marine mammals and ambient noise in near-real-time. The glider was also providing timely information on ocean temperatures in the water column to assist the Navy in forecasting the intensity of Hurricane Lee.
CUTLASS FURY, which takes place every two years, is a series of exercises aimed at training task groups and collections of ships and aircrafts to work together. The training exercise focuses on anti-submarine warfare, enhancing mutual awareness, inter-operability, and readiness of Canada’s Atlantic Fleet, allied Navies, and other joint elements of the Canadian Armed Forces in tactical-level maritime warfare. There are approximately 1400 participating sailors, soldiers, and aviators from the five allied nations, including eight ships and multiple classes and types of aircraft.
CUTLASS FURY also coincides with Halifax International Fleet Week, which showcases Halifax as Canada’s defence and ocean technology hub with participation from Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) service members from across the country, as well as the United States, England, France, and Germany.
Halifax International Fleet Week 2023
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Intelligent ocean observing: high-performance recording and real-time processing of acoustic and oceanographic data.
OceanObserver - Slocum Glider
Acoustic monitoring with OceanObserver™ on one of the world’s most utilized underwater gliders.