Sectors / Renewable Energy
JASCO’s noise assessment services span the planning, installation, and operation phases of:
In-stream tidal turbines
Wave energy devices
Undersea cable installations
Assessing underwater noise emissions and the effect of noise on marine wildlife are often important environmental requirements for regulatory approvals of offshore and nearshore energy projects. JASCO Applied Sciences has performed specialized underwater and airborne noise science for over 35 years, and we have performed environmental assessments pertaining to underwater noise for over 25 years. By providing noise assessment frameworks and regulatory liaison, we support our clients throughout the approval process.
Preventing “over-regulation”
Underwater acoustic science is complex and multifaceted. JASCO works with governments and regulators to ensure appropriate and consistent regulatory guidelines are applied to energy projects.
Objective, scientifically defensible assessments
We enable our clients to satisfy regulatory requirements by providing scientifically defensible assessments of their projects. We present our assessments directly to regulators and ensure that noise regulations are applied correctly to our clients’ projects. We regularly perform public presentations of acoustic data and adjust the level of presentation detail to match the topics of interest and the technical background of the given audience.
Marc Garneau, then Canadian Minister of Transport, and JASCO’s David Hannay.
Sound in Tidal Flow Environments
Learn more about underwater noise and tidal energy devices in this OERA hosted webinar by Dr. Bruce Martin, JASCO’s Applied Sciences Manager.
Bruce describes possible underwater acoustic effects of tidal energy installations, how to measure them, and how to model them considering the high energy of tidal environments like the Bay of Fundy.