Offshore Wind | JASCO Applied Sciences

Sectors / Offshore Wind


Navigating U.S. Regulations

We provide our clients with reliable noise impact information and rational mitigation strategies to successfully meet stringent regulatory requirements, so that offshore wind developments stay on track. The regulation of underwater noise in the U.S., based on expected numbers of animals affected rather than on threshold sound levels at a given distance, requires more comprehensive and sophisticated monitoring approaches. Our specialized team relies on deep industry experience to provide precisely tailored sound monitoring solutions to ensure regulatory compliance without project delays.


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Current & Past Projects

JASCO always provides top-notch products and have been incredibly helpful resource when dealing with U.S. government agencies on offshore wind acoustic impact modeling, IHAs.
Satisfied Client

Detection and localization of protected species

JASCO’s proven monitoring technologies enable real-time detection of marine species from surface vehicles, underwater gliders, and moored or drifting buoys to empower timely and well-informed decision making. We work closely with developers and manufacturers of advanced uncrewed offshore vehicles to create integrated solutions that cost effectively deploy the acoustic monitoring platforms at their optimal location. Our detection and localization techniques provide reliable bearings to identified calling species, including North Atlantic right whales.


Let our experience work for you

Whether at the present stage of your development you require predictive sound exposure modelling for project permitting, sound field verifications during construction, or wide area monitoring during operation, we provide thorough and adaptable solutions specifically for offshore wind. Our results are widely trusted by industry, governments and special interest groups because of their rigorous scientific defensibility.

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Advanced monitoring technologies

JASCO’s range of field-proven sound measurement technologies provide a flexible choice of methods for underwater observations. Our innovative solutions include:

  • Autonomous surface vehicles

  • Underwater gliders

  • Over-the-side sound level meters

  • Telemetry buoys

  • Cabled observatories

  • Autonomous underwater recorders


We’re committed to wind energy

JASCO is serious about wind energy. We see it as one of the most mature and effective resources in the ongoing journey to decarbonize the world’s economies. Not only do we place our expertise at the service of environmentally responsible development of wind energy, we are committed to being leaders in its use. The electrical supply for our flagship Canadian facilities in Halifax, Nova Scotia, including the full engineering and production infrastructure for our instruments, is certified 100% wind sourced.


Let’s work together

Partner with us to achieve regulatory compliance without costly delays.

JASCO Applied Sciences (USA) Inc.
8630 Fenton Street, Suite 218
Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA

Tel: +1-301-565-3500


Sample reports for our offshore wind clients