Ocean Sound Meter 2 | JASCO Applied Sciences

Ocean Sound Meter 2 (OSM 2)

Underwater sound level meter and recorder

The OSM 2 is an over-the-side underwater sound level meter and acoustic recorder specifically designed for environmental noise assessments.

  • Precisely calibrated to quantify sound from:

    • Pile driving

    • Seismic surveys

    • Low- and mid-frequency sonar

    • Ambient/background noise

  • Displays underwater acoustic data and computed levels in real time with audio playback while also recording at full digital quality

  • Compact and easily deployed from any vessel or fixed platform

Stackable  battery packs

battery packs

Your choice of  hydrophones and cables

Your choice of
hydrophones and cables

Rugged wheeled  transport case

Rugged wheeled
transport case


Ideal for impact assessments

Because it is precisely calibrated, the OSM 2 accurately quantifies sound levels from any type of underwater source or activity. Sound levels are displayed in real time for immediate assessment and decision-making:

  • Peak sound pressure level (PK in dB re 1 µPa)

  • Root-mean-square sound pressure level (rms SPL in dB re 1 µPa)

  • IEC 61672 fast-time weighted sound pressure level

  • Per-pulse and cumulative sound exposure levels (SEL in dB re 1 µPa²·s)


See and hear sound in real time

Unlike traditional sound level meters, the OSM 2 software displays a large full-colour spectrogram to easily visualize the frequency content of captured sound.

Listen to the sound as you record it or review selected periods. Sound level metrics are displayed in real time. Pristine signal data are recorded to WAV files for later verification, auditing, or further analyses.

Week 1 3_shopped.jpg

Built-in impulse detector

The OSM 2 automatically quantifies peak and rms sound levels of acoustic events, like strikes of a pile driver, for on-the-spot assessment. These levels are saved to a CSV file for automated log-keeping. You can configure the detection parameters to suit the sound source.


Easily deployed from any vessel

Unlike bulky autonomous recorders, the OSM 2 is designed for easy deployment from any vessel or platform. Just connect the deck set to your computer and lower the hydrophone over the side.

The current-loop hydrophone provides high fidelity recordings free of background hiss. Includes a 50 m underwater cable, or longer if desired.


Standard equipment

  • OSM 2 deckbox in watertight enclosure

  • Broad bandwidth hydrophone with 50 m cable

  • 25 m Ethernet cable

  • AC power cable

  • OSM software and user manual

  • Rugged transport case with wheels


Optional add-ons

  • Rechargeable battery packs (24 h runtime each)

  • Field-rated notebook computer with pre-installed OSM software

  • Additional hydrophones

  • Extended hydrophone cable(s)

  • Internal recording capability (up to 6 TB)

  • Extended Ethernet cable



Channels: 1–4 (standard)
Up to 8 (optional)
Sample rate: 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 ksps
Noise floor: Better than -149 dB re FS per root Hz at all sample rates
File format: WAV
Sensitivities and frequencies
tailored to your needs:
Standard model is GTI M36-900:
  Unamplified sensitivity:   −200 dBV re 1 µPA @ 100 Hz
  Optional pre-amplification:  0–35 dB
Or customizable options from various manufacturers
Operating temperature: −15 to 50 ºC
Storage temperature: −18 to 55 ºC
OSM and battery pack deck boxes: Rated to NEMA 6P/IP68 for 1 m submersion for 1 h
Tested to MIL-STD-167 for shipboard vibration
Impact rated to ASTM D5276 for free fall drops
Transport case: Tested to ASTM D999-01 A2 for loose load vibration
Physical and power
Transport case: 83 × 54 × 41 cm, 33 kg
Deck set: 27 × 30 × 11 cm, 2.2 kg
Power: 110–240 VAC, 50–60 Hz
10–28 VDC
Stackable battery packs: 27 × 30 × 11 cm, 3.6 kg
NiMH, 120 Wh (~24 h runtime)
Attachments: Deck set carry handles and tiedowns included as standard

Due to continued product improvement, these specifications are subject to change without notice.


Learn more


Contact us for pricing and customization options.