JASCO, BO-MTS and OCIUS demonstrate cutting-edge capabilities in Real-Time Marine Mammal Acoustic Monitoring | JASCO Applied Sciences

JASCO, BO-MTS and OCIUS demonstrate cutting-edge capabilities in Real-Time Marine Mammal Acoustic Monitoring

Four systems were deployed and operated off the coast of Western Australia to monitor the southbound humpback whale migration.

PERTH, WA.—In September 2023, JASCO Applied Sciences (JASCO), Blue Ocean Marine Tech Systems (BO-MTS), and Ocius Technology (OCIUS) successfully completed a five-day collaborative demonstration of near-real-time detection, classification, and tracking of marine mammals using autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and uncrewed surface vessels (USVs) off the coast of Perth, Western Australia.

BO-MTS deployed three Slocum autonomous underwater gliders; one was equipped with JASCO’s intelligent acoustic monitoring and processing system, OceanObserver-Snout and a four-hydrophone array. The others were equipped with JASCO’s AMAR G4 (Autonomous Multichannel Acoustic Recorder- Generation 4) and a single hydrophone each. The Observer-Glider collected ambient noise data, CTD information and marine mammal detections that were transmitted via Iridium satellite upon surfacing. The gliders equipped with AMAR G4’s transmitted only CTD information. The data from each platform was then integrated into BO-MTS’s visualization software, SeaSuite, which provided real-time displays of the vehicle’s location and both non-confirmed and confirmed marine mammal localizations.

OCIUS provided their 100% renewable energy USV, Bluebottle, which was equipped with a JASCO OceanObserver and a low-frequency 9-channel towed array. The array was integrated into the Bluebottle’s keel winch, providing the capability to show it during adverse weather conditions and transit. The Bluebottle was launched and recovered from a local boat ramp in Perth and autonomously sailed to the operation area. The system processed data from the array and reported whale detections in real-time. During the mission, despite operating in a region with high currents, the Bluebottle operated at a minimum throttle (less than 20%) for over 66% of the mission.

Collectively, the platforms successfully detected over 500,000 individual vocalizations, which were classified and localized in near-real-time. Due to the cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and environmentally friendly approach, the combination of these systems offers the offshore wind and oil and gas industry an innovative alternative to traditional monitoring. Protected Species Observers (PSOs) can now conduct monitoring of potentially affected marine mammals from shore-based locations, which greatly reduces health and safety risks during seismic surveys, vessel operations and piling activities.

For more information, see the media kit below and JASCO’s press page at https:/www.jasco.com/press.




Pushing the boundaries of marine mammal monitoring with underwater acoustics is what drives so many of us at JASCO, and the ability to demonstrate operationally ready solutions which can be used for both mitigation and research using our in-house hardware and software, with two like-minded companies has been incredibly exciting.
— Craig McPherson, Director of Asia Pacific Operations, JASCO Applied Sciences
The Glider combined with the OceanObserver-Snout is the perfect underwater platform to acquire high quality acoustic data for marine mammal monitoring operations. They operate silently and go unnoticed in the ocean whilst being environmentally friendly utilizing their rechargeable battery sets for energy. They can operate around the clock for months at a time, through the most extreme weather conditions, removing all health and safety concerns from hostile work environments. This year BO-MTS and JASCO have conducted Glider based acoustic monitoring surveys for our clients, safely and successful, even during Cyclone Ilsa which struck WA back in April 2023.
— Sam Ward, Operations Manager, Blue Ocean Marine tech Systems
Towed arrays while using little to no throttle is what the BlueBottle was designed to do.
— Robert Dane, Founder and CEO of Ocius Technology
The Bluebottle is well suited to this type of work. The unique aspects of the boat (solar sail, rudder flipper) make it perfect for persistent deployment using very little energy. This allows more power to be given to the processing and detection of marine mammal species.
— James Hodgson, Head of Operations, Ocius Technology


High-resolution images are available below and at: Real Time Marine Mammal Monitoring




Intelligent ocean observing: high performance recording and real-time processing of acoustic and oceanographic data for all platforms.

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Real-time passive acoustic monitoring and processing in an external aluminum pressure housing with integrated hydrophone.

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Autonomous Multichannel Acoustic Recorder: Superior quality multi-sensor data with removable memory and pre-packaged battery packs.

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About JASCO Applied Sciences

JASCO Applied Sciences is a world leader in the science of underwater sound and its effects on marine life. A global company founded in Victoria, Canada, in 1981, JASCO provides services from offices in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia. We provide support for all stages of environmental reviews and assessments of underwater sound for the renewable energy, oil and gas, marine construction, shipping, and defence sectors. We design, develop, and manufacture state-of-the-art oceanographic data acquisition systems to meet project demands for quality, endurance, reliability, and performance. We enable our clients to satisfy regulatory requirements by providing scientifically defensible assessments of their projects to government regulators and the public. For more information, visit: www.jasco.com.


About Blue Ocean Marine Tech Systems

Blue Ocean Marine Tech Systems specialises in the design, development and commercialisation of autonomous subsea data collection and survey systems. We work with global partners to maximize tactical advantage, minimise risk, increase efficiency and reduce environmental impact using cutting-edge autonomous technology. The solutions we have developed, enabled by autonomous underwater vehicles, matched with our innovative control systems meet industry needs for low cost, low impact, and persistent deployment of marine data collection systems. We are working towards driving data collection costs down with the added benefit of near real-time data delivery, through a fleet of enhanced autonomous underwater vehicles.  For more information, visit: www.blueoceanmts.com.


About Ocius Technology Ltd

Ocius Technology Ltd (formerly Solar Sailor Holdings Ltd) is a Sydney based Australian engineering company specializing in the development of autonomous unmanned surface vehicles powered by renewable energy for use in all sea conditions. OCIUS has built award winning hybrid electric vessels adopting intelligent robotics technology to deliver a capability edge in maritime environments. OCIUS now builds solar, wind and wave-powered robots that can collect data in the ocean for long periods of time. For more information, visit: https://ocius.com.au/.



Megan Constable
Marketing Specialist
JASCO Applied Sciences (Canada)
T. +1.902.405.3336

Craig McPherson
Director of Asia Pacific Operations
JASCO Applied Sciences (Australia)
T. +61.7.3823.2620


Media Relations
JASCO Applied Sciences, Halifax, NS.