Marine Construction | JASCO Applied Sciences

Sectors / Marine Construction


JASCO Applied Sciences provides acoustic modelling, measurements, impact assessment, reporting, and stakeholder liaison to:

  • Departments of transportation

  • Port authorities

  • Construction companies

  • Power companies


Benefit from our experience

Our clients benefit directly from our sector-relevant experience gained from a wide range of construction projects:

  • Port and terminal construction and expansion and subsequent operations and vessel traffic

  • Bridge construction and demolition

  • Subsea transmission cable installation

  • Pile driving, both vibratory and impact hammer

  • Blasting

  • Drilling

  • Dredging and armouring


Specialized and defensible methodologies

JASCO’s reputation is founded on solid scientific approaches and unwavering integrity. Our teams are well respected and active in the scientific community; we have earned the trust of regulators worldwide, always providing scientifically defensible assessments. Our in-house acoustic models are accepted as state-of-the-art by regulatory agencies in the United States and Canada.


Innovative solutions

As acoustic impact regulations become more complex, so do requirements for acoustic monitoring and assessment. JASCO’s expert teams provide innovative, multifaceted solutions for our clients.

We design, develop, and manufacture state-of-the-art digital acquisition systems to meet project demands for quality, endurance, and performance. With intelligent design and superior flexibility, our Autonomous Multichannel Acoustic Recorder (AMAR) offers advanced configuration options and extended deployment lifetimes that are unrivalled in the industry.

JASCO’s innovative technologies provide real-time recording and streaming of underwater sound data. Our technical solutions for monitoring sounds include real-time acoustic telemetry buoys, towed arrays, and cabled hydrophones. We provide real-time detection results of marine mammal presence during ongoing operations and can verify that industrial noise levels remain within acceptable ranges in ecologically sensitive areas.


Recent reports


Contact us to learn more about JASCO’s services and products.