Acoustic Monitoring | JASCO Applied Sciences

Services / Acoustic Monitoring


We know acoustics

JASCO Applied Sciences performs over 100 acoustic recorder deployments every year capturing 100s of terabytes of passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) data. Our specially trained and experienced field scientists provide comprehensive and cost-effective acoustic monitoring services anywhere, under any conditions.

Ship's crew deploying a JASCO ALTO lander with AMAR G4 into the ocean to perform autonomous underwater acoustic monitoring for environmental impact assessments
Always a positive experience working with the JASCO team. They are strong communicators, especially with managing deadlines, challenging (when appropriate) project decisions and/or views, and with discussing potential improvements in policy.
— Oil & gas client
JASCO field scientists preparing an OceanObserver acoustic monitoring buoy with hydrophone for deployment off a vessel
Two hydrophones on a tropical seabed performing autonomous underwater acoustic monitoring for environmental impact assessments

Specialized passive acoustic monitoring programs

JASCO’s scientists and engineers custom design each measurement program with the specific mission objectives in mind, ensuring that our clients’ needs to satisfy all regulatory requirements are met. We provide valid and defensible scientific results to:

  • Characterize and mitigate industrial noise

  • Confirm safety zones and radii used in ongoing operations through Sound Source Verification (SSV) and Characterization (SSC) measurements

  • Assess existing shipping activity and ambient/background sound levels

  • Determine marine fauna presence, abundance, and habitat use through autonomous or real-time passive acoustic monitoring

  • Confirm effectiveness of acoustic deterrents, depredation mitigation, and bycatch pingers


Short- and long-term autonomous measurements

Unlike aerial and vessel-based visual surveys, our autonomous recorders capture underwater sound and detect marine animals through their vocalizations in all weather and light conditions. We deploy underwater recorders for days, weeks, or months to characterize all types of industrial sound sources including:

  • Geotechnical survey sources such as airgun arrays, seismic sources, and active sonar

  • Vessels of all types and sizes such as tankers, tugs, and ice breakers

  • Construction activities such as pile driving, blasting, dredging, and drilling

  • Oil and gas exploration sources such as drill ships, platforms, and support vessels

  • Renewable energy installations such as wind, wave, and tidal generators

We also perform multi-year acoustic monitoring over large areas to determine regional and long-term acoustic effects.

Four JASCO underwater acoustic monitoring moorings (AMARs) on the deck of a ship at sea.
JASCO scientist performing passive acoustic monitoring with a hydrophone deployed through the Arctic sea ice, with a hooded seal in the background

Real-time monitoring

JASCO’s innovative technologies provide real-time streaming and analysis of underwater sound. Our experienced acousticians monitor and interpret the sounds in the ocean in real-time with:

  • Acoustic telemetry buoys

  • Towed arrays

  • Cabled hydrophones

We can detect marine mammal calls in real-time during operations and can verify that industrial noise levels remain within acceptable limits in ecologically sensitive areas.


Innovative solutions

JASCO designs, develops, and manufactures industry-leading data acquisition systems and rugged field equipment to meet project demands for quality, endurance, and performance:

  • AMAR G4 provides advanced configuration options and extended deployment lifetimes, be it high sample rates for detecting high frequency dolphin calls, support for hydrophone arrays for localizing sources, or optimized power use for extended deployments.

  • OceanObserver is a high performance acoustic and oceanographic data acquisition and processing system for integration into robotic vehicles, buoys, and other platforms.

  • Ocean Sound Meter is a compact solution for calibrated over-the-side sound level measurements.

Our specialized scientific equipment and moorings provide quality data in any environment, through solutions that include:

  • High-strength pressure housings for deep deployments

  • Vertical or spatial arrays of hydrophones

  • Particle motion and directional sensors

  • High-flow moorings to minimize pseudonoise from water flowing around the hydrophone

  • Innovative moorings for anchoring in extreme tidal areas and deep waters

  • Effective isolation of anchors and hardware to reduce mechanical and vibration noises

An AMAR G4, an external battery pack, and two hydrophones on a bottom plate mooring system about to be lowered into the ocean.
An AMAR G4 and tetrahedral hydrophone array in a C-Lander mooring system resting on the seabed performing underwater sound monitoring for environmental impact assessment
I have received excellent support and advice from JASCO in relation to noise monitoring programs, sound propagation modelling studies and expert advice. The team’s willingness to both deliver high quality work and help educate along the way has enhanced the environmental approvals documents we have prepared and given me confidence in the impact assessments that are derived from the work. The knowledge and expertise across the team and how readily it can be brought together for a project is impressive. The team has always delivered, even under very tight timeframes and it is reassuring to know that they are there if I need their support.
— Brenton Chatfield
JASCO's ObserverBuoy 0.6m telemetry buoy floating on sea surface with mountains in background

Recent reports

Contact us to learn more about JASCO’s services and products.

JASCO field staff deploying a vertical hydrophone array from a vessel for multichannel passive acoustic monitoring within the water column