JASCO announces new Engineering Manager and Customer Support Specialist
/Halifax, NS – JASCO Applied Sciences (JASCO), names Chris Widdis as Engineering Manager and Brett Barter as Customer Support Specialist.
Engineering Manager
Chris Widdis has been appointed as the new Engineering Manager of JASCO Applied Sciences.
Joining JASCO in 2009 as a Project Engineer, Chris worked on several high-profile projects and has proven to be a crucial contributor to the development and technical advancement of many JASCO systems. As a real-time systems software lead, he directed the development of software for JASCO’s OceanObserver™ passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) system, back-office software, and user interface display. As a technical lead, he developed firmware for several generations of the AMAR (Autonomous Multichannel Acoustic Recorder) product-line, an embedded Linux operating system, and AMARlink, for configuring and downloading data from AMAR systems.
Chris Widdis - Engineering Manager
With his extensive background knowledge of JASCO engineering and commitment to providing clients and customers with superior quality systems and solutions, the JASCO team is confident that Chris will excel as Engineering Manager.
Customer Support Specialist
Brett Barter has been named JASCO Customer Support Specialist. Brett will be responsible for client and customer requests for equipment and services.
Brett joined the JASCO team in 2021 as a Mooring Specialist, where he excelled working on the assembly, disassembly, and mobilization of oceanographic instrumentation and components. Brett’s broad understanding of JASCO equipment and hands-on fieldwork experience makes him the perfect person to assume the role of Customer Support Specialist.
To request technical support, please contact: support@jasco.com
Brett Barter - Customer Support Specialist
*Coming soon!
Our Customer Support Dashboard will be launched in the coming months. This online portal will allow clients and customers to contact our support team and track the progress of their requests through the JASCO system.
In the interim, to request service or systems from JASCO, please continue to contact us at: support@jasco.com.
Contact JASCO Support
For technical support for JASCO’s underwater acoustics products, please fill in the form below.
About JASCO Applied Sciences
JASCO Applied Sciences is a world leader in the science of underwater sound and its effects on marine life. JASCO is Canadian company, founded in Victoria in 1981, with subsidiaries in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia. We provide support for all stages of environmental reviews and assessments of underwater sound for the renewable energy, oil and gas, marine construction, shipping, and defence sectors. We design, develop, and manufacture state-of-the-art oceanographic data acquisition systems to meet project demands for quality, endurance, reliability, and performance. We enable our clients to satisfy regulatory requirements by providing scientifically defensible assessments of their projects to government regulators and the public. For more information, visit www.jasco.com.