Xavier Mouy a featured guest on Lumières webinar Bioacoustics - Voices of the Ocean
/JASCO Victoria’s resident bioacoustician and PhD candidate Xavier Mouy is a featured guest on Lumières’ upcoming webinar Bioacoustics - Voices of the Ocean. In this live online event happening Saturday June 27th at 7 p.m. Eastern, Xavier will join fellow researchers from around the world to discuss the threats of ocean noise pollution on mammals and fishes and what we can do about it.
Other featured guests on the panel of eight distinguished speakers include Dr. Brandon Southall, renowned expert on effects of noise on marine life and former director of NOAA’s Ocean Acoustics Program, and Dr. Craig Radford, Associate Professor at the University of Auckland whose research interests include sensory physiology of fish.
This event is part of the Virtual Encounters webinar series of the Lumières podcast hosted by Dr. Eloïse Ashworth, a marine scientist and science communicator. Eloïse has been producing and hosting this long form podcast since 2016 as a way to “share the wonder of science and inspire the next generation to pursue their dream career through candid conversations with experts worldwide, including scientists, entrepreneurs and beyond.”
Learn more about this free webinar and the guest speakers at eloiseashworth.com/virtual-encounters.